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Preparation and Application of Bipolar Membrane of Extracting Potassium Selectively from Seawater
Authors:  XIAO Yan-chun1,2 ,CHEN Biao1,HUANG Jing1,LIU Ming-hua3
Units: 1Institute of Agri- engineering Technology,Fujian Academy of Agricultural Science Fuzhou 350003;
KeyWords: 18–Crown–6; IIBPM; Preparation; Characterization; Application
year,volume(issue):pagination: 2015,35(3):85-91

Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) and Chitosan (CS) were prepared as natural materials,then modified by 18–crown–6 (18–C–6) and glutaraldehyde (GA), respectively. mCMC+18–C–6/mCS ion imprinted bipolar membrane(IIBPM)was prepared by a paste method.The IIBPM was characterized by moisture content,Infrared Spectroscopy (IR), transmembrane voltage, AC impedance,thermal stability,respectively. The results showed that the property of IIBPM was improved after modified by 18–C–6.mCMC+18–C–6/mCS IIBPM was applied to extract potassium resources in Ningde city. When the penetration time was 150 min, the permeability rate of K+ through the mCMC+18–C–6/mCS IIBPM was up to 95%.


第一作者简介:肖艳春(1984-),女,工学硕士,福建省农业科学院,助理研究员,主要从事农业环境保护技术研究。 *通讯作者:陈彪,副研究员,0591-87869461,E-mail:ny_chenbiao@sohu.com。]*,

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