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Desalination of threonine (THR) fermentation broth by
electrodialysis and ion exchange coupling process
Authors: Jun Wu1, Yonghui Wu2, Cuiming Wu1
Units: School?of?Chemistry?and?Chemical Engineering, Hefei?University?of?Technology, Anhui, Hefei 230009 School of chemistry and environmental engineering, Yancheng Teachers University, Jiangsu, Yancheng 224002
KeyWords: electrodialysis; ion exchange; resin; electrodeionization
year,volume(issue):pagination: 2018,38(3):116-124

 Threonine (THR) is a high-value fine chemical which has a wide application prospect. Two methods of electrodialysis (ED) and ion exchange (IX) were used to treat fermentation broth and the desalting effect of electrodeionization (EDI) technology was studied by coupling the two methods. Varying of the feed solution concentration and the recycling times during ED showed that operation voltage at 30 V was more favorable; higher dilution ratio could lead to shorter time in reaching the end point of desalination, higher THR recovery rate and lower energy consumption. Energy consumption and recovery rate showed that, after recycling of one time, it was not appropriate to proceed with ED recovery of THR. For IX, the removal rate and adsorption capacity of the sulfate were 44.02 % and 33.88 mg/g by 717 type resin, respectively. The more resin dosage, the higher adsorption rate (31.92 %~74.73 %), but the lower adsorption capacity (38.43 mg/g~14.99 mg/g). As the initial concentration of sulfate increased, the adsorption capacity increased in the feed, and the adsorption capacity increased. For EDI, the rate of desalting as well as the desalination rate was higher than that of ED. Comprehensive results show that EDI process with the addition of 5mL Na and 5mL Cl type resins has advantages in energy consumption (0.269 kW h/L) and desalination rates for treating the THR fermentation broth. 

国家自然科学基金项目(No. 21476056,21376204);广东省协同创新与平台环境建设专项资金项目(2014B090901010)

吴翠明(1978-),女,博士,教授,电话: +86-551-290-1450. E-mail: cmwu@ustc.edu.cn.研究方向:膜材料与膜分离过程

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