作者:常 青,贾志谦,秦晋
单位: 北京师范大学化学学院膜科学与技术实验室,北京 100875
关键词: 膜气液接触器;膜吸收;中空纤维膜
出版年,卷(期):页码: 2010,30(6):0-0

摘 要:在膜气液接触过程中,气液流速可操作范围宽,结构紧凑,易于放大,不存在液泛、沟流和雾沫夹带等问题,已成为膜科学与技术研究的热点之一。本文分别介绍了膜气液接触器的结构,气液传质过程中气膜传质阻力、膜阻力和液膜传质阻力的估算以及影响这些阻力的主要因素,膜气液接触过程在气体分离、无泡曝气、饱和烃/不饱和烃分离、废气中VOCs脱除和纳米粒子制备等方面的应用,并对膜气液接触过程的发展方向进行了展望。
Abstract:In gas-liquid membrane contacting process, the two phases are not interdispersed so that the problems often encountered in the conventional apparatus such as flooding, foaming and entrainment can be avoided. The compact modular structure of the membrane contactors also provides large and fixed gas-liquid interface. The process iseasily to scale up. This paper introduces the progress in the membrane gas-liquid contacting process, including the membrane gas-liquid contactors, the mass transfer process and mass transfer resistance, and the applications in gas separation, bubbleless aeration, removal of VOCs and preparation of nanoparticles etc.

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