单位: 贵州省建筑设计研究院 贵阳 贵州 550002
关键词: 膜生物反应器;污水处理;强化脱氮除磷;膜污染
出版年,卷(期):页码: 2013,33(3):92-96

采用A/O-MBR脱氮除磷工艺对生活污水进行小试试验,通过改变回流策略来强化营养物的去除效果。试验结果表明,间歇回流的运行方式并没有对系统的硝化效果产生影响,全程硝化率达到了99.4%;与连续回流的运行模式相比,TP的去除率明显提高,由57.98%上升到81.5%,出水由2.13 mg•L-1降到了0.98 mg•L-1; TN的去除率由于在缺氧池的停留时间变短而有所下降,由77.4%下降至66.3%,出水由10.9 mg•L-1上升至15.8 mg•L-1;有机污染的去除率受回流模式的影响较小,去除率稳定在91.9%左右。
The lab-scale A/O-MBR process was utilized for wastewater nutrient removal by changing the cyclic strategies to enhance the nutrient removal. The results showed that the intermittent cyclic operation mode did not affect nitrification of the system,and the full-nitrification rate reached 99.4%. Comparing with the continuous cyclic mode, TP removal efficiency significantly increased from 57.98% to 81.5% significantly, with the effluent  TP from 2.13 mg•L-1 to 0.98 mg•L-1; TN removal efficiency declined from 77.4%  to 66.3%, with the effluent TN from 10.9 mg•L-1 to 15.8 mg•L-1 due to the shorter retention time in the anoxic reactor.Removal efficiency of organic matters was little affected by the cyclic mode and stabilized at around 91.9%.
饶正凯,男,1967年1月生,贵州省遵义县人,工学学士,高级工程师和国家注册设备工程师,1989年7月于贵州省建筑设计研究院工作至今,长期从事膜技术与工程相关的科研、设计工作。电话:0851-5573619,Email: raozhengkai@vip.sina.com

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