单位: 北京工业大学环境与能源工程学院化学化工系 膜技术中心,北京100124
关键词: 富氧膜;硅橡胶;乳液涂敷;环保
出版年,卷(期):页码: 2013,33(3):54-58

从空气中分离和富集氧气的富氧膜是一类重要的气体分离膜。本实验将制备聚二甲基硅氧烷/聚砜(PDMS/PS)富氧膜,并考察其富氧性能,分别制备了溶剂型羟基硅橡胶富氧膜和乳液型羟基硅橡胶富氧膜,评价其渗透速率Q和分离系数α(O2/ N2),得出了二者在性能上的差异,发现溶剂型富氧膜渗透速率Q(O2)是乳液型富氧膜Q(O2)的3-4倍,而乳液型富氧膜α(O2/ N2)比溶剂型富氧膜略好,并且以水代替有机溶剂,采用硅橡胶水乳液作为涂敷材料进行乳液涂敷,制备的乳液型富氧膜相对于传统的溶剂型富氧膜,具有环保、安全和经济等特点。该方法制备的富氧膜同时也具有较好的富氧效果,其氧气渗透速率Q(O2)在113GPU左右,分离系数α(O2/ N2)能达到2.0。
The membrane used in air separation and oxygen enrichment is an important class of gas separation membranes. In this study, silicone rubber/polysulfone (PDMS/PS) composite membranes were prepared; the silicone rubbers included solvent-based hydroxyl silicon rubber and emulsion hydroxyl silicon rubber. The prepared composite membranes were evaluated by the permeation rate and separation factor. The results showed that the permeation rate of solvent-based silicon rubber/polysulfone membrane was 3-4 times more than that of emulsion silicon rubber/polysulfone membrane, but the latter had a little better separation factor than the former. The oxygen permeation rate Q(O2) and separation factor α (O2 N2) was 113 GPU and 2.00, respectively. This latex coating method, coating emulsion hydroxyl silicon rubber on the support, was not only environment-friendly, but also safe and economic.
安坤(1985-),男,山东省德州市人,主要研究方向为膜科学与技术*通讯联系人,彭跃莲(1969—),女,湖北人,近年的主要研究方向为膜蒸馏用膜及过程,联系电话:010-67391090,Email: pyl@ bjut.edu.cn。

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