单位: 青岛科技大学化工学院,青岛 266042
关键词: 醋酸纤维素;尿素;醋酸纤维素氨基甲酸酯;取代度;成膜性能
出版年,卷(期):页码: 2013,33(3):59-63

 Using urea to cellulose acetate (CA) for soaking pretreatment, and then transfer CA into o-xylene inert system for reaction. These factors have been explored at the process of synthesis and the results were shown as follows: Pretreatment concentration was 25%, pretreatment temperature was 55 ℃, pretreatment time was 5 h, and the reaction time was 3.5 h. On this condition, the degree of substitution of CAC was able to be 0.1. FT-IR characterization proved that the CAC was successful synthetized. Use the CAC and CA for casting film, the tensile strength and water flux of CAC membrane is better than that of CA membrane. The study concluded that with the degree of substitution increases, CAC film tensile strength and water flux shows increase trend.

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