单位: 高分子材料加工装备教育部工程研究中心,北京化工大学机电工程学院
关键词: 杨梅汁;碟管式反渗透;浓缩;膜清洗
出版年,卷(期):页码: 2014,34(2):81-84

面对日益扩大的杨梅种植规模,降低杨梅汁贮藏、运输等环节成本是人们亟需解决的重要问题之一。本文应用碟管式反渗透(DTRO)技术对杨梅汁进行浓缩研究,实验结果表明经过三倍浓缩(以体积计),杨梅汁总酸含量由10.23%增大到30.05%,波美度由4.3 ºBe增大到11.7 ºBe,可溶性固形物含量由7.35%增大到19.5%。另外,采用2% C531+NaOH(pH 11~11.5)对膜进行碱洗,膜通量可以得到有效恢复。本研究验证了DTRO技术在杨梅汁浓缩工艺中的应用,并确定了合理的清洗方案。
In consideration of the growing of planting bayberry scale, reducing the costs in bayberry juice storage and transport is an important issues that needs to be solved eagerly. This paper applied dish tubular reverse osmosis (DTRO) technology to concentrate bayberry juice. The experiment results showed that after three times concentration (by volume), the bayberry juice total acid increased from 10.23% to 30.05%, baume degree increased from 4.3 ºBe to 11.7 ºBe, the content of soluble soild increased from 7.35% to 19.5%. Additionally, taking the method of 2%C531+ NaOH (pH 11 ~ 11.5) to caustic clean, the membrane flux can be recovered effectively. The study verified the application of DTRO technology in bayberry juice pre-concentration, and determined a reasonable cleaning solution.

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