作者:徐国良1 ,樊耀波1﹡,于艳1,袁栋栋1,杨文静1,吴光夏1,秦升益2,徐云3
单位: 1.中国科学院生态环境研究中心,2.北京仁创科技集团有限公司
关键词: 动态膜;铸砂板式膜;覆膜改性;膜生物反应器;污水处理
出版年,卷(期):页码: 2011,31(2):62-67

以铸砂板模块作为基材进行动态膜研究发现,由于严重的膜孔堵塞及其自身孔隙率低,其通量小于7L/(m2•h),需要对其进行表面改性。以50-100目为优化砂材粒径,以PVDF膜原液为优化覆膜材料和浓度,对铸砂板模块进行覆膜改性,研制出一种覆膜铸砂板式膜组件。依托该膜组件构建一种新型膜生物反应器,并对其进行了污水处理中试研究。在16 L/(m2•h)的条件下,中试系统运行可靠稳定。覆膜铸砂板式膜组件强度高、寿命长具有较好实用前景。
Membrane flux of the original molded sand plate module was quite small, less than 7 L/(m2•h), when it served as the support of self-forming dynamic membrane. To improve the membrane flux, surface modification was conducted by coating the molded sand plate module with organic membrane materials. The optimized parameters included sand sizes, the composition and the concentration of organic membrane solution. The optimal values were 50-100 mesh numbers for the sand materials, and the original concentration of PVDF for the organic membrane solution, respectively. Finally, a novel type of sand plate membrane module was developed after its surface modification. A test of a submerged MBR for pilot-scale study at 16 L/(m2•h) with this type of membrane modules was conducted, and the system performed stably. For wastewater treatment, the sand plate membrane module will be a promising material used in MBR given its high strength and long life-span.

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