单位: 1.中国科学院文献情报中心,北京 100190; 2中国人民大学环境学院,北京 100872; 3北京大学环境科学与工程学院,北京 100871
关键词: 膜分离;SCI论文;专利分析;产业竞争力
出版年,卷(期):页码: 2018,38(6):129-137

 膜产业作为我国战略性新兴产业之一,对膜产业基础竞争力的分析能够进一步推动膜领域的研究和创新。本文利用Web of Science的SCI数据库及DII数据库,采用文献计量学的方法,对膜领域的56862篇SCI论文及97761项专利从年发文量、国家分布、研究机构、热点技术等不同角度进行全面的统计分析。在全面把握全球膜领域发展现状的基础上,进一步深入分析中国膜产业的基础竞争力。研究表明:(1) 中国膜领域的SCI发文量和专利申请量处于国际领先地位,核心竞争力主要分布在国内高校; (2) 国内研究热点包括离子交换膜、液膜和反渗透等;(3)尽管国内膜领域的研究基础已初具竞争力,未来中国科研机构的影响力与企业的自主创新能力还有待加强。
 As one of China's strategic emerging industries, the analysis of membrane industrial basic competitiveness can further promote the research and innovation in this field. By using Web of Science's SCI database and DII database, this article takes cocumentary metrology to conduct a comprehensive statistical analysis of 56862 SCI papers and 97,761 patents from the perspectives of annual publication, national distribution, research institutions, and hotspot technologies in the membrane field. Based on the fully understanding of the global membrane development status, this paper has further analyzed the fundamental competitiveness of China's membrane industry research. The results show that: (1) China has taken a leading position in the amount of issued SCI papers and patent applications, and its core competitiveness is distributed in domestic universities; (2) the research hot spots mainly include ion exchange membranes, liquid membranes, and reverse osmosis; (3) although the research foundation in the domestic membrane field has already begun to be competitive, the influence of domestic scientific research institutions and the independent innovation capability of enterprises in the future will still need to be strengthened.
第一作者简介:徐慧芳(1977-),女,河北省邢台市人,副研究馆员,硕士,科技信息分析及服务,E-mail:xuhf@mail. las.ac.cn;谭送琴(1993-),女,湖南省株洲市人,硕士研究生,膜分离领域,E-mail:2249303597@qq.com;徐慧芳与谭送琴对本文贡献相同。

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