单位: 1.贵州省环境科学研究设计院,贵阳 550081;2.贵州省地质矿产中心实验室,贵州省贵金属矿产资源综合利用工程技术研究中心,贵阳 550018
关键词: 煤矿山酸性废水;铁;锰;纳滤;响应曲面法;五马河
出版年,卷(期):页码: 2023,43(5):127-135

  本研究以贵州省仁怀市五马河流域关闭煤矿山酸性废水(Acid mine drainage, AMD)为例,采用纳滤膜处理技术进行实验研究。在单因素实验基础上,采用响应曲面法(Response surface methodology,RSM)建立以膜压差、铁、锰浓度为响应因素,膜通量、铁锰截留率、酸恢复率为响应值的回归模型。结果表明:在20℃,浓缩2.5倍,单次循环实验条件下,膜通量响应曲面模型拟合精度高,膜压差对膜通量影响显著,铁、锰浓度影响不显著;其他响应值模型拟合度均较低,不同响应因素条件下铁、锰截留率和酸恢复率无显著差异,主要污染物Fe截留率92.10~100%,锰79.01~98.81%,酸恢复效率95.2~123.6%,纳滤膜处理煤矿山AMD可有效截留主要污染物并高效分离酸。
 This study conducts experimental research on treating acid mine drainage (AMD) using nanofiltration membrane, taking the AMD from closed coal mines in the Wuma river watershed of Renhuai City, Guizhou Province as an example. Response surface methodology(RSM) was employed to establish a model for the treatment of AMD based on a single-factor experiment. The results indicate that the model of permeate flows was significant under the conditions of 20 ℃, 2.5 times concentration and a single cycle experiment. Furthermore, trans-membrane pressure drop (TMP) was found to have a significant impact on permeate flows, while the iron and manganese concentration was found to be insignificant. The fitting degree of other RSM models was not significant, and there was no significant difference in iron retention rates, manganese retention rates and acid recovery rates under different response factors. The iron and manganese retention rates ranged from 92.10 to 100% and 79.01% to 98.81% ,respectively, while acid recovery rates ranged from 95.2 to 23.6%. These results suggest that the nanofiltration is efficient and stable during AMD treatment.

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