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Membrane depreciation Cost analysis in wastewater reuse project
Authors: Guo Chunyu 1,LI Xuebing 2,Yang Xiaowei1 ,Du Qiyun3,Liu enhua 3
Units: 1.China Bluestar co. (China national environmental protection engineering technology center for membrane ,Beijing 100320 ;2. Huludao Jinhua Chemical Engineering Design Co., Ltd. Huludao 125001; 3 Tianjin Polytechnic University , Tianjin, 300160
KeyWords: Membrane flux, Membrane life, Cost percent a ton water of membrane depreciation (CPTMD)
year,volume(issue):pagination: 2014,34(2):95-98

In order to promote the application of membrane technology, Project life cycle cost analysis method is developed by proposing a parameters that is the cost percent a ton water of membrane depreciation (CPTMD) , which calculation method is defined, CPTMD is discussed in membrane engineering design, operation, maintenance of practical significance, but also as a guideline in the R&D of membrane filaments, component, system.



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