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Cross-sectional dimension measurement for hollow fiber membrane based on the MATLAB image processing
Authors: LI Zongyu, WANG Xuliang, ZHANG Yanping, PAN Xianhui
Units: The Institute of Seawater Desalination and Multipurpose Utilization, SOA (Tianjin)
KeyWords: MATLAB; image processing; hollow fiber membrane; dimension measurement
year,volume(issue):pagination: 2018,38(4):43-48

 A method of measuring the cross-sectional dimension of hollow fiber membranes is proposed, which utilizes the digital image processing technology based on MATLAB. Through converting to grayscale images, improving contrast ratio, median filtering and binarizing, the color image of the cross-sectional dimension is preprocessed to be more applicable to edge detection. The image segmentation and edge detection are conducted by Canny operator and then the dimension of the cross section is measured. This method addresses the challenge that it is quite difficult to accurately measure the irregular cross-sectional dimensions of hollow fiber membranes, also reduces the dependence of the results on image clarity.



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