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Using SAXS to probe microstructure evolution of TFC-RO membranes upon chlorination
Authors: Jian Wang, Yangyang Wei, Xinxia Tian, Xiaotai Zhang, Man Zhao, Huifeng Zhang
Units: The Institute of Seawater Desalination and Multipurpose Utilization, Ministry of Natural Resources (Tianjin), Tianjin 300192, P. R. China
KeyWords: SAXS, reverse osmosis membrane, chlorination, structure evolution
year,volume(issue):pagination: 2020,40(6):96-103

Reported mechanistic chlorination analysis of polyamide (PA) reverse osmosis membranes heavily relies on the change of chemical element composition under different chlorination dosage. It still lacks the effective technique to characterize the evolution of PA membrane microstructure, and its nexus with water permeability and/or water/salt selectivity. Herein, small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) technique was adopted to investigate the microstructure evolution of PA reverse osmosis membrane exposed in sodium hypochlorite. Structure parameters including radius of gyration (Rg), correlation distance (a) and fractal dimension (β) were analyzed, and their relationship between water permeation coefficient (A) and NaCl permeation coefficient (B) were investigated. The results indicated that Rg, a and β monotonically increased with the intensity of chlorination, and were positively correlated with A, giving a correlation coefficient (R2) of ~ 0.99. The correlation between the A and long-range correlation distance (a2) gave a higher R2 (0.9915 vs 0.8781) when compared with the short-range correlation distance (a1), indicating that the destructive effect for the secondary structure particle (corresponding to a2) is more severity. There were weak correlations between the B and the structure parameters, R2 of 0.8155 (Rg), 0.9148 (a1), 0.7801(a2) and 0.7621 (β), which is due to the impact of charge performance.



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